Clinical Title: The Facilitating Partnership and The Good Enough Social Worker—A Winnicott Primer on What Matters When It Matters Most
Book Title: The Facilitating Partnership: A Winnicottian Approach for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals by Jeffrey S. Applegate and Jennifer M. Bonovitz. Available online through or used from
Book Description: In this book, Applegate and Bonovitz describe and apply the theories of D. W. Winnicott to both individual psychotherapy and the provision of concrete services in social work, health, and mental health agencies. Winnicott’s work models the Person-in-Environment approach fundamental to Social Work practice. The authors describe Winnicott’s emphasis on the therapeutic relationship as the vehicle which helps clients not only meet their established goals, but also motivates them to continued growth. Applegate and Bonovitz use their understanding of Winnicott’s developmental theory to also delineate the development of the therapeutic relationship. Whether social workers are providing therapy or concrete services, this model serves as an underpinning for how we approach our clients. Winnicott was one of the first to highlight how the interpretation of social and cultural dynamics of client and social worker provides important context for their work together. Winnicott gave us the concept of the “transitional object,” a gift that supports us through life’s journey.
Revisiting this seminal book, first published in 1995 and widely used as a text book for courses in social work, will help us reflect on the timeless fundamentals, core values, and essential skills of our profession. For our book discussion, we recommend reading pages 83-260. We will focus our discussion on Chapter 9, pages 233-260, “The Good Enough Social Worker.”
Clinical Objectives:
By reading the designated pages and participating in the discussion, participants will:
- Identify ways to create a holding environment in a range of roles.
- Discuss the circumstances in which transitional objects provide a sense of safety.
- Discover how the “true self” and “false self” affect the therapeutic process.
- Recognize the impact of funding and policies on private and agency practice.
About our Presenters:
- Sylvia Gentry, LCSW, received her MSSW from the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville. Her training focused on psychodynamic theory, and was later broadened to include Family Therapy and Group Therapy, as well as macro influences on development. Until 19 years ago, Sylvia practiced in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she was Director of Residential and Day Treatment at the Children’s Home of Cincinnati, and later Clinical Director of Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services. In addition to teaching part time at Edgecliff College and the University of Cincinnati, she developed a part time private practice and provided training within her agencies as well as national organizations. Since moving to Philadelphia, Sylvia worked part time for the Bucks County Behavioral Health System in program development and evaluation and she maintains a part time private practice. Sylvia serves on the PSCSW Clinical Book Discussion Committee, as well as the PSCSW Ethics and Professional Standards Committee.
- Marta Zehner, LCSW, BCD was originally trained in psychodynamic theory and therapy.She has been in practice for many years and has integrated several other theoretical approaches into her work, including Gestalt, Family Systems, Motivational Interviewing, Transactional Analysis, and more.Marta taught clinical practice at both the Bryn Mawr School of Social Work and the University of Pennsylvania School of Policy and Practice.She has worked in several agencies such as the Northeast CMHC, Family Services of Philadelphia, the Medical College of Philadelphia, and Women Organized Against Rape (as developer of the sexual abuse project and as Associate Director).Marta developed a general private practice many years ago, working with individuals and couples.She has also specialized in working with victim/survivors of sexual abuse and assault and consulted with DHS on child sexual abuse cases.Currently her practice is focused on working with adults and older adults, particularly those living with chronic illnesses.She has also provided consultation to both State and local organizations. Over the years, Marta has attended many trainings on Race Relations and continues to set this as a priority in her professional and personal growth. Marta is a founding member of PSCSW and has been active in PSCSW for many years.She currently serves on the Clinical Book Discussion Committee.
FOR PENNSYLVANIA SOCIAL WORKERS, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS, AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS: This program is approved for 3 credits for professional workshops sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work, a state affiliate of the Clinical Social Work Association listed in Section 47.36 of Title 49, Chapter 47 of the PA Code, State Board of Social Work Examiners. This program is also approved for 3 ethics credits for professional workshops for marriage & family therapists (Section 48.36) and professional counselors (Section 49.36).
FOR NEW JERSEY SOCIAL WORKERS: This program is approved for 3 clinical credits. Attendance at programs or courses given at state and national social work association conferences, where the criteria for membership is an academic degree in social work, are a valid source of continuing education credit (N.J.A.C. 13:44G-6.4(c)6).